Sunday, October 19, 2008


Of Course..... My Birthday and Mothers Day!!
From what I recall I had a fabulous birthday/mother day. Ryan definitely took care of me. First I spent the morning with my mom, sister and sister-in-laws. We went to breakfast and to get pedicures. Then to come home to a CLEAN house and a massage table set up. Ryan had hired Buffy (massage therapist from work) to come to the house to give me a massage while he left with the girls. Wow, what a day. Way to go Ry!

Shout out to my MOM!
My mom is such a wonderful person all around, but especially a wonderful mother! She does so much for us kids and is always willing to do more. She is probably the strongest woman I know. She has so much on her plate, yet handles it all so well. She inspires me to be better and to know that I can get through anything as long as I am close to my Heavenly Father and ask for his help and strength. She is such a hard worker and is sooo great at what she does. If she is not at work then she is at work giving service to family and anyone else around in need. She is such a fun person to be around. I hope I can be just like you when I grow up. I LOVE YOU MOM!!

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Yay! Finally you are up and running with it! I remember (seems like forever ago, but probably wasn't) when we were talking on the phone about how dumb these things were. And now look at us both. We've come so far!
I am excited to keep up with you and your family! I have been thinking about you so much these past couple weeks and just feeling like I need to call you to chat.But just have been going like crazy these past couple months. Do you still have your same old cell number?